Adjusted Academic Calendars
The 2021-2022 academic year will continue to be affected by COVID-19.Here are recommendations for chapters whose academic calendars have been adjusted.
Some colleges and universities may have adjusted their academic calendars this year, including starting classes early, eliminating fall and/or spring break, and ending in-person classes early while the term finishes remotely. The items below include recommendations and things to consider if your campus is working with an adjusted calendar.
- Ideally, chapters should be meeting potential new members year-round, regardless of the formal or informal structure that IFC usually uses.
- Confirm the process and timeline for distributing bids, verifying eligibility, etc., with your institution and build your recruitment calendar to accommodate the change in schedule.
Associate Member Education
- Your traditional Associate Member Education schedule may need to be adjusted, pending campus calendar changes. It will be important to verify those requirements with your university and ensure new associate members are initiated within eight weeks (or less).
- DU already has several chapters were the associate member period is shorter than eight weeks, so this is nothing new for the Fraternity. Work with the DU staff to create a plan on how to complete the program in a shortened period of time.
- Work with the DU staff to arrange virtual Initiation, if necessary. Give yourself at least three weeks to work through the planning process. Check out the Initiation Options section of our Associate Member Education page for more information.
Officer Elections and Transition
- If your chapter is still able to meet in-person, your elections may need to move to before Thanksgiving.
- If hosting elections virtually, consider what voting platform you may need to use. The DU staff can make recommendations based on the size and needs of the chapter.
- Schedule virtual officer transition meetings and a virtual new exec board retreat.
- Review the reporting process and deadline for rosters, associate members, and initiates, both with DU IHQ and your campus fraternity/sorority office. Find DU's reporting deadlines here.
- Create a detailed calendar with upcoming events and reminders for CEP and campus accreditation/recognition/awards programs.
Fees/Dues Collection
- Review the chapter’s budget for the year and assess if money is allocated in the correct areas based on the current situation for the chapter.
- Share deadlines for dues and payment plans with members well in advance and confirm collection processes if members can only pay online versus in-person.
Educational Programs
- The International Fraternity will continue to offer a full slate of virtual educational programs to both chapter officers and all members each month. Encourage members to participate in the programs and share what they learned with the rest of the chapter.
- Delta Upsilon’s in-person educational programs, including Presidents Academy in January and the five Regional Leadership Academies in February, are under consideration and review, pending the pandemic.
- Please stay in contact with your DU staff member for additional updates.