Undergraduates learning about the Foundation and beginning their lifelong journey of giving back to DU.
Each year DU undergraduates are encouraged to give back through the Oak Circle – the Foundation’s undergraduate giving program. Hundreds of undergraduates join the Oak Circle each year with a gift of $18.34 to the Oak Circle endowment, and the dollars raised are given directly back to students through scholarships to our award-winning educational programs. Joining the Oak Circle is an annual experience and undergraduates who join receive an Oak Circle apparel item. The Oak Circle name was derived from the Oak that is located on the Convention Banneret. The Convention Banneret's principal charge is the oak tree whose trunk and branches show the relationship of DU Chapters to the larger General Fraternity. If you have questions about the Oak Circle, contact Director of Advancement Sean FitzGerald at fitzgerald@deltau.org.

Oak Circle Scholarships
The DU Educational Foundation is proud to be using Oak Circle funds to provide scholarships to programs hosted by the Association of Fraternal Leadership & Values (AFLV). See below for a list of opportunities open now.
Visit our AFLV Programs page to learn more about the AFLV Conference and Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute (UIFI) and find scholarship applications for these programs.
Given the vast array of educational programming offered by the DUEF each year, joining the Oak Circle is a great way for undergraduates to make their own impact on the next generation of DU leaders. Since the inception of the Oak Circle in 2001, more than 100 undergraduates have received Oak Circle scholarships for educational programming, and thousands of undergraduates have given to the Oak Circle endowment fund with a gift of $18.34 or more. The Oak Circle endowment has grown to more than $230,000, and the Foundation grants annual Oak Circle scholarships from annual interest earned. Undergraduate gifts to the Oak Circle not only provide educational programming scholarships right away, but the Oak Circle endowment ensures each gift made will make an impact forever on future generations.

Every undergraduate who joins the Oak Circle Undergraduate Giving Club by June 30 will receive the membership apparel item for that year (unveiled at the Presidents Academy in January). The 2024 apparel item is a new DU tie or bowtie!
Membership apparel items will be given immediately to anyone who joins on-site at the Presidents Academy or Regional Leadership Academies, but all others who join will have their apparel items shipped to their respective mailing address. When giving, please indicate in the “Donor Intent Notes” section if you’d prefer a tie or bow tie. The apparel item takes roughly 2 to 3 weeks to ship.
Along with publishing the names of all donors in the Foundation's Annual Report, the DUEF will also annually recognize chapters (based on the dollars raised and percentage of members in the Oak Circle) at the Leadership Institute in the summer.
The chapters with the highest percent participation and highest amount raised will receive a DU flag and be invited to a personal roundtable with a prominent Delta Upsilon alumnus from either their chapter or area and be recognized at LI in Atlanta.
Give to the DUEF Today
Will you join us in Building Better Men for a global society? Your support of the DUEF will help provide educational programming, chapter initiatives and scholarships to young men who will soon lead our world.