Chapter Grants and Campaigns
Accounts for alumni to raise resources, execute capital campaigns and request educational grants benefitting the chapter.
Chapter Educational Accounts (CEAs) are short-term restricted funds held at the DUEF that can be used to grant educational program scholarships, tuition scholarships, reimbursement for travel to educational programs, or other qualified educational needs for a specific chapter. CEAs also serve as a tax-deductible vehicle for local chapter fundraising efforts, including annual fundraising drives and campaigns. Gifts to CEAs are restricted for chapter use but are stewarded by the DU Educational Foundation.
To request money from a CEA, alumni chapters must apply for a grant application online using the links below, and the money must only be used for its intended educational purposes.
Request a CEA distribution for an academic scholarship

Chapter Housing Accounts
Chapter Housing Accounts (CHAs) are short-term restricted funds held at the DUEF that allow local chapters to raise and grant dollars for qualified educational projects associated with the chapter facility. The IRS only allows tax-deductible donations to be used for fraternity housing if the money is used on an area strictly designed for educational purposes. CHAs are often used to grant dollars to pay for facility renovation, construction and furnishing costs associated with a qualified Educational Use Area (EUA), as well as ongoing operating grants associated with annual direct and indirect costs. Many chapters that execute a local capital campaign use a CHA to allow donors to make tax-deductible gifts to the campaign through the DUEF.
To learn more about Chapter Housing Accounts and the grant application process, review the DUEF Housing Grant Application and contact Executive Director Justin Kirk with questions.
Alumni Chapters with an established CHA can request a distribution at any time using the link below, and the request must be approved by the Executive Director.
Chapter Legacy Plans (CLPs) are permanently restricted endowment funds established by alumni to ensure their chapter will receive critical educational programming forever. The goal is to secure a minimum of $150,000 in a CLP, which endows 12 scholarships to various award-winning educational programs each year. The most high-performing and consistent DU chapters across North America are the ones that take full advantage of the educational programs funded by the DUEF. Establishing a CLP allows alumni to make a permanent investment in the future generations of DU leaders at the local chapter level. If a chapter is planning for a local capital campaign, a CLP is a great way to offer donors a giving option that directly benefits the development of local chapter leaders through DU’s educational programming.
Chapter Legacy Plans are managed and stewarded by the DUEF, and every year we work to maximize the annual grant from all CLPs. There is no need for chapters to request a distribution from a CLP, as the DUEF matches educational program scholarships with needed students as they register. We also provide an annual stewardship report highlighting benefitting students and dollars available in the upcoming fiscal year.
If you have questions or are interested in establishing a Chapter Legacy Plan for your chapter, contact Executive Director Justin Kirk.

Interested in planning and executing a chapter capital campaign using one of these chapter restricted accounts?
Contact Associate Executive Director Ryan King for recommendations and chapter campaign resources.
Curious if your chapter already has a CEA, CHA and/or CLP? The current list of these funds is shown here.
Give to the DUEF Today
Will you join us in Building Better Men for a global society? Your support of the DUEF will help provide educational programming, chapter initiatives and scholarships to young men who will soon lead our world.