Educational Programs
Delta Upsilon offers many award-winning educational programs with a proven track record of success. These experiences teach cutting-edge leadership skills, offer character shaping personal development, and help young DUs learn how to improve their chapters.
The impact our award-winning educational programs have on our students is shown through the data collected in the Fraternity's annual Membership Outcomes Assessment. During the assessment, all DU undergraduates are asked to complete a survey specifically designed to measure personal development in areas including problem-solving, social justice, ethical decision making, and belonging—all while using the Fraternity’s educational outcomes and Four Founding Principles as its guide.
The DU Educational Foundation supports the Fraternity's educational programs in a number of ways, including grants to fund the programs and scholarships for students to attend. Currently, the DUEF is only able to partially fund these educational initiatives, and the demand for educational programming increases every year. Ongoing financial support from brothers and friends of DU will improve our undergraduate-focused initiatives and help DU keep pace with the changing college landscape.

Attendance at DU educational programs has grown significantly over the past seven academic years. In 2018-2019, while total attendance numbers were lower than the previous year, the percentage of brothers attending a program relative to DU's total undergraduate membership numbers remained steady. The decrease for 2019-2020 was due to the cancellation of the May and June Global Service Initiative trips, Emerging Leaders Experience and some Building Better Men Retreats due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In lieu of those programs, the Fraternity has developed more virtual educational opportunities (such as webinars, roundtable discussions and video series) to continue to reach undergraduates in a digital setting.
Presidents Academy Program Impact
Presidents Academy accelerates the growth and learning of Delta Upsilon’s Presidents each year. Presidents from every chapter/associate chapter come together to participate in an institute-style program with a curriculum that emphasizes the mission and Principles of Delta Upsilon as a foundation for effective chapter leadership.

Emerging Leaders Experience Program Impact
The Delta Upsilon Emerging Leaders Experience (DUEL) is a highly interactive program that encourages newly initiated members to create a deeper and broader definition of who they are and where they can have an impact. Held in June, DUEL takes up to 30 participants to DU's founding site.

Regional Leadership Academy Program Impact
The Regional Leadership Academies serve as a unique opportunity for chapter officers in a specific geographic region to learn about a wide range of topics affecting fraternity life today. Five RLA sessions are held in different geographic regions each year and are intentionally designed as an officer training platform to provide tangible skills needed for success as defined by the Delta Upsilon Officer Core Competencies.

Building Better Men Retreat Program Impact
These chapter retreats are tailored to meet specific chapter needs and are led by trained DU staff and volunteers. Retreats include defining effective brotherhood within the chapter, identifying chapter priorities and creating a plan of action. Building Better Men Retreats are available to all DU chapters, and each year, roughly 17 retreats occur across North America.

The Delta Upsilon experience is proven to develop young men by increasing self-awareness, building critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and helping students better relate with others.
Leadership Institute Program Impact
As the annual Fraternity convention, the Leadership Institute serves as the highlight of the educational calendar. The Leadership Institute provides an opportunity to celebrate the accomplishments of a brotherhood that stands on a foundation of justice, while targeting educational content to meet the contemporary challenges of students and alumni.

Global Service Initiative Program Impact
The Global Service Initiative (GSI) serves a duel role for Delta Upsilon: our international philanthropy and an international service project. In a normal year, DU hosts three service immersion trips to Jamaica for students to participate in hands-on service, reflect on their personal and DU values, and develop global competencies.