Delta Upsilon's 162nd chapter
When Delta Upsilon opens a new chapter, it typically comes about in one of three main ways: the Fraternity is reopening a closed chapter, the university has invited DU to open a chapter following a vetting process, or a group already on campus petitions to affiliate with Delta Upsilon. For DU’s Villanova Chapter, its creation was a combination of two.
In the summer of 2020, Villanova University put out a notice that it was looking to expand its fraternity/sorority community. That fall, Delta Upsilon submitted a partnership proposal to the university and was ultimately selected to start expansion recruitment efforts in fall 2023. However, a term early—in spring 2023—as DU was preparing for its Villanova expansion, university administration let the Fraternity know about an interest group that was looking to become a part of an inter/national fraternity. With the university’s permission, Delta Upsilon met with the group, and through a series of in-person and virtual meetings, the interest group members determined Delta Upsilon’s mission and vision aligned with their own and officially became a part of the Fraternity. Within its first few weeks as Delta Upsilon, the group held an ice cream fundraiser for the Global Service Initiative, as well as chapter meetings and brotherhood events. Then, on May 3, 2023, the Pledging and Associate Chapter ceremonies were held with 37 new Villanova Founding Fathers.
Thanks to the new associate chapter’s size and previous experience planning events as an interest group, it quickly hit the ground running in fall 2023 in working toward its chartering requirements, which include membership recruitment, member programming, philanthropy and service work, and other aspects of the Fraternity’s Men of Merit Chapter Standards Program. While many DU associate chapters—particularly brand new chapters without an established alumni base—take two or more years to charter, the brothers at Villanova met the requirements in just one.
Vincent DiTeodoro, Villanova ’25, who served as Chapter President at the time of Installation, credits the chapter’s determination and drive as to why it has seen early success.
“We chartered at a fast pace because we were extremely determined to cement our legacy here at Villanova,” he said. “We wanted to firmly establish the Fraternity here at Villanova, as well as prove to the senior class, the ones that truly founded our chapter, that this chapter will stand the test of time. We wanted to give our seniors the satisfaction of successfully building a fraternity from the ground up, and so dedicated ourselves to achieving this goal.”
On April 28, 2024, the Installation Ceremony was held for the Villanova Chapter, making it the 162nd chapter in Delta Upsilon history. The event was held in conjunction with the Initiation Ceremony for 15 new brothers with a Ritual team that consisted of Todd Sullivan, Santa Barbara ’95, as Master; DU’s Senior Director of Chapter Development Dominic Greene, Oregon ’99, as Examiner; Chapter President Vincent DiTeodoro, Villanova ’25, as Chief Marshal; and Robert Turnbull, Villanova ’26, as Chaplain. DU’s Province Governor Derek Dunham, North Dakota ’89, gave The Charge Address. A reception was held following the ceremonies.
In his remarks during the event, DiTeodoro laid out his vision for the Villanova Chapter to be a shining example of brotherhood and friendship.
“The Villanova Chapter is a dedicated group of men striving to adhere and promote the ideals of Delta Upsilon,” he said. “We are intensely devoted to building and maintaining the bonds of brotherhood between ourselves. Together, we strive to be the best young men we can be.”
Villanova University
Fast Facts
- Located: Villanova, Pennsylvania
- Founded: 1842
- Total Enrollment: 9,800
- Undergraduate: 6,700
- Graduate and Law: 3,100
- 9 IFC Fraternities
- 9 NPC Sororities
- 6 Multicultural Fraternities/Sororities