Alumni News
Delta Upsilon brotherhood remains alive and well for the Alberta Chapter alumni as they host a variety of alumni events. On the first Friday of each month, they host an alumni lunch, then in the spring, they host their annual DU Spring Golf Classic. In June, the alumni hosted a happy hour and are currently in the planning process for the chapter’s 90th anniversary celebration to be held in September.
Brother Stuart Ingis, Hamilton ’93, was recently named to a four-year term on the Hamilton College Board of Trustees. As a student at Hamilton, he served Delta Upsilon as Chapter President. Following his undergraduate career, he earned his law degree from Villanova University and is currently Chairman of Venable LLP, a Washington, D.C.-based law firm, where he leads the Technology and Innovation Practice Group.
The Iona Chapter hosted Delta Upsilon Night at the Ballpark with the New York Mets on April 26, as the Mets and Cardinals faced off. More than 40 DUs, family members and friends attended, including undergraduates from both the Iona Chapter and Seton Hall Associate Chapter. Through the event, the Mets donated $475 back to the Iona Chapter. To make the night even more exciting, a group of four individuals from the DU event went in on a 50/50 raffle ticket sponsored by the team and won half of the $10,500 drawing.

The Miami Alumni Chapter runs a Member Monday spotlight through its LinkedIn group and highlighted a number of brothers this year including Dave Williams, Miami ’92; Donald MacKay, Miami ’62; and Chip Cade, Miami ’85. The chapter invites all alumni to return to campus for Miami’s Homecoming on Saturday, Sept. 28, and take part in the alumni chapter’s Annual Members Meeting.
Western Michigan
Dr. Christopher Lewis, Western Michigan ’97, was recently named a recipient of the 2024 NASPA – Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education “Pillar of the Profession” award. One of 18 individuals recognized, Brother Lewis was honored for his service to NASPA, creating a lasting impact in his profession, and demonstrating sustained professional distinction. He currently serves as the Director of Graduate Programs at the University of Michigan-Flint.