Chapter News
*Reflects submissions to the DU Quarterly by the May 15 deadline.
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This spring, the Alberta Chapter took part in the campus Greek Gods and Goddesses event that showcased members’ talents and gave the Alberta fraternity/sorority community a chance to strengthen its bonds. Over the summer, the chapter hosted its Summer Solstice Beach Volleyball Tournament with proceeds going to a local charity.

The Arlington Chapter celebrated its 55th anniversary on May 4 with a Founders Day Pickleball Tournament. The event kicked off at 10 a.m., and for five hours, alumni, undergraduates and guests enjoyed spirited competition. The chapter also presented its Golden Duck award to Brother Gordon Fitzgerald, Arlington ’99, who has helped the chapter foster a philanthropic and service relationship with South Davis Elementary. Graduating seniors were also recognized for their accomplishments within the chapter and classroom.

Boise State
Brother Isaac Celedon, Boise State ’26, was elected as the Associated Students of Boise State University (ASBSU) President for the 2024-2025 year, making him the first DU to hold this position. Three other chapter members were named as ASBSU Senators: Corbin Lilya, Boise State ’26 (College of engineering Senator); Ryan Torres, Boise State ’26 (At-Large Senator); and Aidan Link, Boise State ’26 (College of Innovation and Design Senator).

Central Florida
The Central Florida Chapter kept busy this spring by taking part in a variety of events. In February, the chapter hosted its annual DUperBowl flag football tournament in conjunction with Super Bowl weekend. Brothers also participated in sorority competitions such as Kappa Delta’s dance competition and Alpha Delta Pi’s Cheer for Charity event. Nine new brothers were initiated into the chapter this spring, in addition to the 40 new brothers from the fall.

Christopher Newport
Thanks to a focus on external relations and campus involvement, the Christopher Newport Chapter had a successful spring. Each brother is now a member of at least once extracurricular activity outside of DU and attended at least one philanthropy event for another fraternity or sorority. This meant DU had a presence at every IFC and Panhellenic event on campus. The Christopher Newport Chapter even won first place overall at Greek Week, winning five of the eight events.
To end the semester, the chapter co-hosted an event with Sigma Phi Epsilon to raise money for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. At the Dinner with Dogs event, the men sold hotdogs and brought in service dogs for students to spend time with before final exams. The event also included a dedicated time for the DU and SigEp brothers to share their experiences with mental health.
After being named DU’s Most Improved Chapter last year, the Clarkson Chapter continued its success this year. Brothers averaged more than 20 service hours each on the year by taking part in projects with the North Country Children’s Museum and a local grade school, as well as by hosting an Easter egg hunt for community members. DU racked up nearly double the hours of the other Greek organizations on campus and was recognized by the university with the Commendable Service Award. On the philanthropic front, the chapter raised $843 for the Global Service Initiative.
The Clarkson Chapter congratulates its five new initiates from the spring; its six graduating seniors; and Brother Elijah Land, Clarkson ’23, who qualified for nationals in the Eastern Collegiate Cycling Conference.
During its annual Rent-a-DU event, the DePauw Chapter members performed various chores for people in the community such as moving furniture, yardwork, cleaning garages and more. This year, the fundraiser brought in $2,300, more than $1,000 more than previous years. Other accomplishments include having the highest GPA of fraternities on campus with an average GPA of 3.55 and initiating 19 new brothers into the chapter. Proud of its diverse membership, this year’s initiates hail from the United States, Japan, Pakistan and Vietnam. The chapter also won Little 5 for the third year in a row, which includes a bike race, as well as service and philanthropy events.
The Embry-Riddle Chapter was awarded the Most Improved Chapter Award for 2023-2024 by the campus Fraternity/Sorority Life Office. The chapter was presented with this award for improving recruitment, retention, alumni relations, policies, finances and brotherhood. The chapter thanks its alumni, campus Fraternity/Sorority Life staff, Phired Up, and IHQ staff for their work in helping it receive the award.
This year, the Florida Chapter hosted its first DU Duckball philanthropy event in which sorority members from across campus participated in a pickleball tournament. The event raised $3,000 for the Global Service Initiative and was a resounding success. On the service front, the chapter continues to partner with Campus Christian House and Grace Marketplace to make sack lunches for the unhoused community each Wednesday.
The chapter congratulates Brother Nicholas Andrews, Florida ’24, who was appointed to serve as Solicitor General of University of Florida Student Government and as a Director in the Florida Blue Key Speech and Debate Tournament.

Georgia Tech
For the past few years, the Georgia Tech Chapter has worked with Food 4 Lives whose mission is to provide food and water to areas of the city with high unhoused populations. Several days each semester, the chapter volunteers to cook and distribute food. The chapter is proud to have more than 25 brothers with internships at companies such as Texas Instruments, NCR, Blue Origin, Blizzard, and Solvay. On campus, brothers are proud members of organizations like Club Soccer, GT Motorsports, Georgia Tech Student Foundation, Yellow Jacket Space Program, Order of Omega, and more.
This spring, the Illinois Chapter stayed busy promoting philanthropies and competing in charity sporting events. On May 1, the chapter ran a philanthropy event called Delta Pupsilon with all proceeds going toward Moore’s Rescue Ranch to help disabled dogs get the care they need. Brothers also participated in Alpha Xi Delta’s Hoop Frenzy basketball tournament where they competed against multiple other fraternities and sororities.
Iowa State
The Iowa State Chapter capped off a successful year by winning the Gold Circle Award during the ISU Fraternal Awards of Excellence, as well as the IFC Innovation Award. The chapter’s recognition is thanks to hard work put in by all members on events like the DU Drive Thru that raised more than $3,000 for the Global Service Initiative this spring, as well as brotherhood events like Family Olympics and Swan Song for its graduating seniors. Three new initiates joined the chapter this spring, following an associate member class of 29 new brothers from the fall.
Kansas State
2023-2024 was another successful year for the Kansas State Chapter. The chapter welcomed 37 new brothers into the chapter (32 in the fall and five in the spring), maintained a GPA above 3.34, hosted 120 alumni for its annual Alumni Golf Tournament, and raised $11,521 with the Miss K-State Competition. Brother Andrew Bergmeier, Kansas State ’25, was elected as the Kansas State Student Ambassador, and past Chapter President Andrew Abadir, Kansas State ’25, won the Fraternity Chapter President of the Year Award from the annual K-State Fraternal Excellence Awards. Thanks to the support from generous alumni, the brothers enjoyed a renovation to the chapter house gym, which was completed at the start of the spring term.

The Missouri Chapter was proud to take home some hardware after the campus’ annual Fraternity/Sorority Life Awards in April. The chapter was one of 12 fraternities to receive the Mizzou Greek Alliance Academic Excellence Award, which is awarded to fraternities who score an average chapter GPA above the overall men's average GPA on campus. Through the campus’ Chapter Assessment Program, the chapter received a Certificate of Excellence for the Engagement focus area, as well as the Missouri Honors Award that is given to the top 10 chapters on campus (both fraternities/sororities).

The Purdue Chapter is proud to have raised more than $4,683 for various charities through events like Pie-a-Brother, Delta Pupsilon (a dog petting event), and a philanthropy concert. In addition to this work, the chapter volunteered with local veteran’s banquets, a volleyball tournament, area winterization projects, as well as at shelters and food drives. The morning of the campus Grand Prix kart race, the chapter organized a Pancake Feed where 20 brothers went to six sorority houses and made 430 pancakes for the women. Mom’s Day was also a success with activities like simulation golf, pottery and a taco truck.
This spring, brothers of the Quinnipiac Chapter partnered with Foundations for Orphans to help rebuild the organization’s driveway after a storm had flushed it out. Brothers shoveled gravel and rocks back onto the driveway and poured concrete to prevent further damage. The chapter is also proud to have been recognized with several awards from the campus Fraternity/Sorority Life Awards. David Hughes, Quinnipiac ’25, won the Bright Idea Award, and Myles Marlowe, Quinnipiac ’25, won the New Member of the Year Award. The chapter also took home the Biggest Growth Award and Biggest GPA Improvement Award. It was also named a finalist for Fraternity of the Year.

The Texas Chapter has focused on recruitment and retention this year. Sixteen new brothers were initiated into the chapter, four of whom joined in the spring. The goal is to have 40 members in the upcoming fall term.
Western Illinois
The Western Illinois Chapter is proud of all of its members, particularly the eight brothers who are a part of the Army ROTC. Each year, the university hosts the Western Illinois University Military Ball, where the brothers had the chance to connect with their chapter advisor, Retired Army LTC Mick Cumbie. The chapter also congratulates past Chapter President Zander Doan, Western Illinois ’24, who received the Gordon A. Taylor Student Leadership Award from Office of Student Engagement Award.
This spring, the chapter hosted Delta Hoopsilon, a 3-on-3 basketball tournament, its annual Brotherhood Week prior to Initiation, as well as Pelta Upsilon in which people could purchase water balloons to throw at DU brothers.

The Wichita Chapter kept busy this spring by participating in a number of events including the campus fraternity/sorority community’s Hippodrome, a skit and acting competition, in which it took home first place along with its partner, Delta Gamma, for their knockoff skit of the show “Dancing With the Stars.” The chapter’s own NachoFest fundraiser collected funds for the Global Service Initiative, while brothers worked with Rainbows United on its Fashion Passion fundraiser. The chapter congratulates Aiden Powell, Wichita ’25, on winning the Mortar Board Legacy Award.
The Wisconsin Chapter hosted a number of events this year, including a successful Mom’s Weekend in which it even hosted a live band for their mothers. Brothers hosted fundraising events for Marine veterans, as well as for Girls on the Run. The chapter’s Associate Member Education Program also provided several opportunities for the 30 new members (19 in the fall and 11 in the spring) to spend time with the chapter’s seniors. This summer, brothers are taking part in internships at places such as the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority, Wintrust Financial Corporation, United Airlines and more.