Campaign Goal: $6 Million
Individual Development: $2,400,000 Goal
Chapter Enhancement: $2,259,408 Goal
Fraternal Relevance & Innovation: $1,341,600 Goal
Our members cite their individual growth and development as a major benefit of the DU experience, but currently only 38% of costs for our developmental programming are being funded by the DUEF. This is putting significant financial strain on the backs of undergraduates and local DU chapters every year, and lack of funding is often why young DUs don’t take advantage of the critical educational programs and resources being offered.

It is clear our programs and initiatives—which are rooted in DU’s Founding Principles—make our local chapters better when fully utilized. Our best DU chapters send 30+ students to programs annually and utilize all Building Better Men resources. However, DU currently only averages 12 program participants per chapter. A thriving Delta Upsilon in the future begins with a commitment to supporting students and volunteers at the local level.

Today’s students are hungry for a collegiate experience that affords them authentic friendships and opportunities for growth—qualities rarely found in the typical classroom. Solidifying DU as a vital collegiate experience requires significant investment to evolve our current programming and to develop new initiatives and technologies that will ensure our founding ideals nurture and inspire the college men of tomorrow.

Impact of the campaign
Reach Annual Goal of 1,500 Program Graduates
Currently, there is a 62% funding gap, representing 930 additional program scholarships needed to meet increasing undergraduate demand.
Launch a Second DU Emerging Leaders Experience (DUEL)
Our most impactful educational program will soon be able to prepare 60 of our emerging leaders, up from a constraint of 30 individuals.
Provide Chapter Legacy Plan Funding
A Chapter Legacy Plan allows alumni to endow 12 or more educational program scholarships exclusively for their DU chapter.
More Building Better Men Retreats
Additional Building Better Men Retreats for our chapters, impacting every single chapter member in a customizable weekend retreat format led by a trained facilitator.